Ukrainian Academy of Art, banknotes UPR, coat of arms of the Ukrainian State, welcome adress, catalog of the exhibition.Abstract
The aim of the research is the general characteristics of the artifacts, related to the activity of the prominent Ukrainian graphic artist Heorhii Ivanovych Narbut. Mostly, about the artifacts, which now are the part of the National Museum of History of Ukraine’s collection. Among them are: banknotes of the period of Ukrainian revolution 1917–1921, copy of the coat of arms of the Ukrainian State 1918, welcome address of the “Ukrainian State Academy of Arts to the Ukrainian State University in Kamianets-Podilskyi”, which was made in honour of the University opening, which took place on October 22, 1918. And also, in the museum’s collection, there is the catalog of the exhibition, dedicated to Heorhii Narbut himself, which took place in the museum in 1926, and was named “Heorhii Narbut. Posthumous exhibition of works”. Methods of the research are analysis, synthesis and comparative-historical method. Main results of the study. Heorhii Ivanovych Narbut’s works left a significant mark in the Ukrainian graphic art in general, and in the development of Ukrainian state symbols, in particular. He was one of the cofounders and first professors of the Ukrainian Academy of Art. His works became famous in many European countries. Today Heorhii Ivanovych’s pieces of art are in several Ukrainian museums, including Kyiv. In the collection of the National museum of history of Ukraine there are banknotes of the period of Ukrainian Peoples Republic, copy of the coat of arms of the Ukrainian State, welcome address of the “Ukrainian State Academy of Arts to the Ukrainian State University in Kamianets-Podilskyi”, which was made by Heorhii Narbut, and catalog of the exhibition “Heorhii Narbut. Posthumous exhibition of works” (1926). All these artifacts are the evidence that Heorhii Narbut was one of the creators of the independence of Ukraine in the early 20th century. Conclusions. Acquaintance with the collection of the National Museum of History of Ukraine, which is related to Heorhii Narbut’s life and art, give us an opportunity to understand better all the political and state processes, which took place during the period of Ukrainian revolution 1917–1921 рр. In perspective, this gives us an opportunity to create thematic exhibitions and museum expositions. The artifacts are some type of addition to the well-known facts abot Narbut’s biography, and matherial evidence of his life and activity.
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